Derivative - Integral Formulas

The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Derivative - Integral Formulas.
Derivative - Integral Formulas will allow you to have on hand a complete form of all the derivates and integrals that we most use in our classes, while we study at home or while we do practice excercises with our friends. Do not need Internet connection, so it always will be available in the most required moments.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Derivative - Integral Formulas.
Developer: 27Industries
Genre: Education
App version: 2.1
App size: 4.1M
Recent changes: - No internet connection.
- More than 100 integrals formulas.
- More than 50 derivatives formulas.
- Material Design.
EDIT: Both issues fixed now. Contains ads without stating so! Also does not use the standard English abbreviations for trig functions.
Some Use full formulae are mising
it is a quick revision and thanku
Not all formulas
Very helpful apo'
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