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Explore Morgan City play online

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Explore Morgan City

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Explore the unique history of Morgan City, Louisiana through self-guided tours. Each tour unveils the hidden history, riveting facts, and past images of the cajun city known for being located "right in the middle of everywhere". Morgan City, Louisiana is a rural city situated only 18 miles from the Gulf of Mexico; the city is full of rich culture, captivating history, extraordinary people, and many fascinating stories. The City of Morgan City invites you to come and explore our area!
Feel free to take the tours from the comfort of your home, but to enjoy the full experience we recommend grabbing your smartphone and walking shoes and heading down to Morgan City!

App Features:
- Self-guided tours
- Historical images
- Informational videos
- Quiz questions
- City Facts & More!

The app was created by the City of Morgan City with support from the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area, the Morgan City Historical Commission, and the Morgan City Archives.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Explore Morgan City.


Developer: City of Morgan City

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