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Gotta Sweep Helps Scary Swapped Teacher Walk Mod play online

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Gotta Sweep Helps Scary Swapped Teacher Walk Mod

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Gotta Sweep Helps Scary Swapped Teacher Walk Mod.

After being helps by 1st prize yesterday baldi decided to meet back the docter doctor in leg leg hostipal. The doctor said that baldi legs improve faster thanks of 1st prize helps but baldi legs need more exercise to make baldi legs works and doctor docter give baldi a suggestions that baldi needs work out like cleaning gotta sweep sweep sweep. Thats where gotta sweep sweep swapped with baldi to helps baldi walk again around the school while teacher learning math and cleaning around the class super extra fast speed because gotta sweep helps baldi swapped walking super duper extra fast just like baldi loves car mod.

Because baldi needs more cleaning the school with gotta sweep sweep sweep, gota sweep helps baldi walk again around the class and thats a problem too, every student who forgot to bring their notebook back to the baldi secret office will get suspension and punishment from principal baldi gotta sweep sweep swapped mod mania. Hearing that news makes you desperately colelcting all 7 notebooks in every class but just in case you forgot (we think you already know the gotta sweep baldi rules) any wrong answer from any yctp math equation means one broom slap to your face from gotta sweep helps baldi scary mod teacher teaching prank.

Special bonus mode and mod if you finish collecting all notebooks, you can be the gotta sweep helps baldi mod swapped game. You can be gotta sweep sweep sweep, principal working or even you can played as baldi slapping all students in this game mod remastered version.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Gotta Sweep Helps Scary Swapped Teacher Walk Mod.


Developer: Phantom Ripper

Genre: Educational

App version: 1.44

App size: 56M

Recent changes: For helping baldi walk again, gotta sweep helps baldi walking around the school house, you should try it now.


This is cool. The BSODAs don't work, but you can use them to kinda trap Baldi and Gotta Sweep in your BSODA that you shot. The BSODAs don't move, which doesn't move Baldi and Gotta Sweep, which makes it a challenge. Anyways, this mod in the mobile version is cooler than the PC version. Also, Baldi and Gotta Sweep can just move in a short movement, not move at the speed of Gotta Sweep which is half the speed of light last time I calculated.

You can tell that it is a ripoff. On page 4 Bully's not where he's supposed to be.

1st prize basics Thursday January have been trying to find 7th you can be found in the UK 3rd party on Friday and Saturday night and day and I have been trying out the source of income

It's funny it just says note instead of note boos get it

It's a dumb ripoff make it real next time then give me a notification"

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