Baralho Maker

Baralho Maker
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Baralho Maker.
Welcome to our digital experience of creating lessons and making activities!
Here you will meet the Maker Intelligence Deck, or Tarot Maker, as we like to call it.
The deck will help you build a maker class following the methodology adopted by us, based on the Harvard Project Zero Framework. There are five basic steps: Activation, Take a Closer Look, Explore Complexity, Find Opportunities and finally Registration and Sharing.
In "Free Craft" mode, tap on the card thumbnails to see each one, and tap on the previewed card to choose it. Tap again to deselect. Choose one card for each stage, at least 3 in total, with the "Activation" and "Registration and Sharing" steps being mandatory. At the end, tap "View choices" to check the result.
In "Surprise Mode", let chance choose a card from each step and have fun trying to imagine an activity that follows the description of each step!
This is it! The Thomas Maker team hopes you enjoy this tool you have in your hands!
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Baralho Maker.
Developer: Casa Thomas Jefferson
Recent changes: Corre ç ão de bugs textuais.
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