Gimp Handbook

Gimp Handbook
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Gimp Handbook.
This Program was Designed to teach you how to Restore Photos, and to help you learn more about Gimp. It's very easy to look through with a nicely Organised Point and Click menu. Simply Point & Click to read about what you want to learn. For the harder things, You can stream a video of me performing what I'm teaching.
Please do not forget to leave a rating & a review for the App if you use it, I did not place any in-app reminders of this; Because, I find that annoying when I'm using Apps.
In Addition There are 53 Pages of information which include the following.
Contents of the Program:
1. Introductory Page - which shows the play online Link where you can get the image-editing program for free.
2. How to Crop - Which shows how to crop images.
3. How to Resize - Which shows how to resize images.
4. How to Rotate - Which shows how to rotate an image.
5. How to Add Text - Which Shows how to add text to your images.
6. Healing Tool - Shows how to heal a blemish in an image.
7. How to remove Background Method #1 - Shows a quick method of how to remove the background of an image, making it transparent.
8. How to Remove Background Method #2 - Shows another Method of how to Remove the Background of an Image.
9. Save Editable File - Shows how to save an editable file, so that you can continue editing it at a later time.
10. Gimp Tools - Shows a basic Description of every tool in Gimp. (All 34 Tools are covered.)
11. Layers - Shows a basic example of what layers are.
12. Create Gifs - Create Animated Gifs with Gimp.
13. Alien Glow - Shows the Filter known as Alien Glow, allows you to make things Glow.
14. Script-Fu Glow - Another Method of Making things Glow, You can design your very own Neon Light Style Glow Effect.
15. Photo to Sketch - Teaches you how to turn any Photo into an Ink Style Sketch
16. Photo Restore - Shows you how to Restore Images, remove Wrinkles, Make the Person/object appear more clearly.
17. Teaches how to resize Canvas to 300 ppi for Printing in your choice of InchesxInches, then you just scale the image to fit your new canvas.
18. Color Eyes - Teaches you a realistic method of coloring a person's eyes a different color than what's currently in the Photo.
19. Add Shade - Teaches you a very basic method of adding shade to your art in Gimp, using black & white brush.
20. Dodge / Burn - Teaches you how to use Dodge & Burn Layer Modes to elliminate all white in a photo, or all black in a photo.
This Program has 52 Pages of information that you can have at your fingertips any time you'd like.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Gimp Handbook.
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