M.Tech Syllabus

M.Tech Syllabus
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game M.Tech Syllabus.
Hello Everyone! This is the first android application of 'VTU M.Tech Syllabus'. This application consist of complete M.Tech Syllabus of "Computer Network Engineering" course only. It's effective from 2016-17 academic year as per the choice based credit system.
VTU has approximately 60+ M.Tech courses, the android application of some of the top courses syllabus will be released in the future versions of "VTU M.Tech Syllabus".
Please do rate the app, your suggestions are happily welcomed! contact e-mail: [email protected], Thank You.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game M.Tech Syllabus.
Developer: AGV
Recent changes: Improvement of reliability and minor bug fixes
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