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MQTT Widget play online

Free play online MQTT Widget APK

MQTT Widget

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named MQTT Widget.

Mqtt Widget is a MQTT client application that provides you with an unlimited number of fully configurable widgets [buttons,sliders, setpoints, Strings, etc.] that are able to exchange MQTT information with a MQTT broker. It therefore gives you a configurable GUI for interacting with MQTT broker.
For example you could have IoT sensors information displayed within a widget. you can also control IoT devices by publishing MQTT messages to that device by changing the state of a widget. MQTT is a lightweight IoT protocol used in many IoT tools and applications.
MQTT Widget support QOS 0 and does not support authentication.
MQTT Widget has been tested with Mosquitto and RSMB brokers.
There are known compatibility issues with e-mqtt broker.




MQTT Widget from UptoPlay.net

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