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Aero 360 VR Shooting Game 1.5 play online

Free play online Aero 360 VR Shooting Game 1.5  APK

Aero 360 VR Shooting Game 1.5

The official app & game

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Play this online game named Aero 360 VR Shooting Game 1.5 .

This is a free air defense anti-aircraft simulation VR shootinggame where you have to fight till last bullet and fire at a galaxyof flying airplanes attacking your army base. The world is at riskand depends only on your sniper skills using an anit aircraft gun.Unlike 360 VR movies, this VR game is fully interactive. Defendyour military base by rotating in 360 space in this fast action VRflight attack thriller. In this battle simulator shoot enemycommando dropping from parachutes. Your mission survival is basedon how accurate and with speed you aim and shoot enemy gunship heliand fighter jets. This scary adventure game is desgined to give youthrils of your life time by total immersive 360 head control withno extra VR controller required. Enjoy the horror of deep warsbefore you are dead. Key Features: - Optimized 3D environment formobiles. - Multiple enemy types and attack patterns to master -Unforgiving enemy AI. - Contineous firing will overheat the gun.Give time to cool the steam Recommended as the best among all VRgames. Currently released for Cardboard based VR headsets but newrelease comming soon for DayDream platform, PC, PS, arcade andother Android based Allinone stand alone VR glasses. If haveproblems in VR chat with our support staff on pc web. This VR gamealso runs on mobiles without a gyroscope, but is experienced bestwith a gyroscope. Please note that Samsung Gear VR support throughOculus may work through emulator, but is not officially supportedat this stage. Android tested Google Cardboard viewers includesVRBox Privacy Policy: --------------- We don't collect any personalinformation , any non-personal information collected by ourpartners like Google is used for analytic and game improvements.For details please read our Privacy Policyhttp://www.appteeka.com/privacy.htm


Aero 360 VR Shooting Game 1.5 from UptoPlay.net

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