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MovieDB play online

Play MovieDB APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


Play Online



Use UptoPlay to play online the game MovieDB.

MovieDB is a minimal, gorgeous client for The Movie Database.

* Top Rated Movies
* Popular Movies
* In-Theatre Movies

View information about movies right there in the app!
* Trailer
* Release date
* Rating
* Description
* Cast
* Actor biographies

Manage your own collection by signing in to your TMDb account, and add movies to your Favourites and Watchlist collection.

MovieDB is completely offline ready. It caches useful information so you can find information for all visible items offline too.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game MovieDB.


Developer: Kshitij Chauhan

Genre: Entertainment

App version: 0.8

App size: 2.4M

Recent changes: - Removed youtube trailers to comply with Google Play policies
- Added adaptive app icon


Found your app with tbe post in androiddev. love your app in general! Its definitely niche but does its job well and fast. I think the performance is a little slow on the first run due to loading the data but other than that its really snappy. One thing that maybe you could touch up is finish animating (switching tabs, return from movie to movielist, etc). Great work, and keep developing!

It was a decent app before, but since the last release and the new super nice progress view that was added, it's the best app ever.

Wonderful app for browsing movies, great UI. Highly recommended for all moviegoers .

Great work. The app looks great and works well.

Love it! Love seeing projects from Indie devs!'

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