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Pediatric Drugs Calculators play online

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Pediatric Drugs Calculators

The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Pediatric Drugs Calculators.

Doctaverse app includes all the medical tools needed by a pediatrician on duty.
It is a pocket buddy for pediatricians containing information on pediatric medical calculators,drug dosage, diagnostic algorithms,treatment algorithms, emergency treatment, ECG and different guidelines.

This app also has a community of all the pediatricians where pediatric medical students can post a query, case and others can respond to that.

App features: Medical Calculators, Drug Index, diagnostic algorithm, ECG,treatment algorithm, emergency treatments, and community of doctors.

Pediatric medical calculators- All the pediatric calculators which students use on a day to day basis. Calculators like GIR calculation, Pediatric BP Centiles (Hypertension), Anthropometry,Hyponatremic dehydration calculation, Hypernatremic dehydration,Thomson Score calculator,Silverman Anderson Score, Downe's Score, APGAR Score, Ballard Score, Glasgow Coma Score,Phototherapy Nomogram for Term baby, Exchange Transfusion Nomogram for Term baby, Phototherapy and exchange cutoff for preterm, Partial Exchange for Polycythemia, Schwartz GFR Equation,
GFR Equation,BMI, Calcium Correction for Hypoalbuminemia, ET tube depth of insertion, ET size, BMR, BSA, Mentzer Index, Maintenance Fluid, Umbilical Arterial Line Catheter Placement, CHIPS,Oxygenation Index, Anion Gap, Urine Anion Gap, Pediatric Asthma Score, Pediatric Asthma, Exacerbation Severity, AVPU Scale, Pediatric Appendicitis Score, SMR Male, SMR Female
Anthrocal are part of this app. Pediatric Medical Students can calculate any value within 5 minutes.

DRUG dosages All Pediatric drug details with their Mechanism, Indications, Contraindications, Interactions, Adverse Effects & Dosing based on weight and certain conditions.

Diagnostic criteria - This app contains diagnostic criteria for disease. Students can see diagnostic criteria to make a diagnosis. They don't need to open a book for this. Diagnostic criteria for common diseases like- RHD, SLE, HSP, Nephrotic syndrome, HLH, Obesity, anxiety, autism,eating disorders, functional abdominal pain, tonsillitis, kawasaki disease, JRA and many more are included.

Diagnostic algorithm- With doctaverse app students can see flowchart for diagnosis anywhere anytime. Doctaverse app provides diagnostic algorithms for many diseases like hypertension, short stature, GBS, floppy infants, DMD, immunodeficiency, Asthma, Obesity, Delayed Puberty, Lactic Acidosis and many more.

Treatment algorithm- Every disease has a treatment algorithm. Doctaverse contains many treatment guidelines to help doctors to treat patients by treatment guidelines. Below diseases are included: Febrile Seizure, Asthma, Anaphylactic Reaction,Cardiac Arrest, Dyslipidemia, Bradyarrhythmia,Guillian Barre Syndrome.

Emergency treatment guidelines- In an emergency treatment room the doctor does not have time to open a book. Doctaverse provides all the emergency treatments guidelines. Doctors open doctaverse app and can see all the emergency treatment guidelines within two minutes.

Doctors community- Doctaverse is planning to make the largest platform for doctors where they can post cases, paper, queries, vacancies, achievements. They can connect to other doctors.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Pediatric Drugs Calculators.


Developer: GagaHealth

Recent changes: Bug fixes in Anthro calculator

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