Vivup highfive recognition

Vivup highfive recognition
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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The Vivup highfive Recognition and Reward App enables leaders to introduce or build upon a culture of recognition and reward within their organisation.
A simple-to-use smartphone application to enable employees and management to recognise their peers or subordinates in their company against their own core values. A means to reinforce a simple thank-you, whether in person or remotely. It enables management to allocate instant rewards or pre-planned structured rewards to individuals, teams or the whole organisation around the globe at the same time.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Vivup highfive recognition.
Developer: Vivup
Recent changes: We continuously update Highfive based on your feedback!
In this release:
enhanced sign-in, sign-out, and onboarding
guidance when cashing out your rewards
other bug fixes and improvements
Consider leaving us a rating or feedback. It helps us build the best recognition & reward App out there!
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