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Assemble This

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Assemble This.

Have you ever tried to wonder what everyday objects are made of ? Did you ever spend your childhood taking your toys apart and then piecing them back together ?

Assemble This is a tribute to that fascination for assembling everyday objects from their components . This little game brings that element of curiosity of wanting to see how little pieces join to together to form a camera or a microphone or your very own Party Hat.

The Controls are very simple :
You are presented with a number of pieces which you have to drag and drop into their correct positions . You have to be careful of the order in which you arrange them so that objects are correctly placed behind or in front.

There are several categories of everyday objects for you to play with.
Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat, rather, with Assemble This, it promises to be a big ball of fun.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Assemble This.

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