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Bead 16 online game play online

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Bead 16 game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Bead 16 online game.

Sholo Guti (16 Beads) game is famous in south-east asia mainly in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arab, Indonesia Nepal and other south east asian game. Indian Boardgame also called as bagh-bakri tiger-goat , tiger trap or baghchal crossing over game of tiger trap,draughts, 16 gitti, Sixteen Soldiers,bagh chal, Bara Tehn or barah goti game of childhood game of two persons. Local asian ladies and gentleman passes their leisure time by playing sholo guti 16 bead game also known as desi game of 2 players played with stones called as Village game or Rural game. In old times, two player as solo team draw the cort typegame on the play ground & uses stones as pawns & player used stones cross as pawns for tiger trap and make strategic plan to win the game.

Bead 16 game is very familiar in almost all the parts of our country. It's specifically a very popular boardgame in rural areas. This board game has so much popularity in some areas that sometimes people arrange tournament of this favorite game. Sholo Guti is a game of extreme patient and intelligence. One has to be very tactful and has to move a bead very carefully while playing. Sholo Guti Bead 16 is the free online multiplayer board games to play with friends and family online.

So enjoy Bead 16 online game with precise controls and fluent graphics. You can choose from Sholo Guti in single-player game. In Multiplayer and online Sholo Guti Game, You can chat and play with friends and family members or can play with random players from all over the world.

Damru Bead16 (Sholo Guti Indian Checkers) is the most popular free boardgame.What are you waiting for? Let's Play Damru Bead16 (Sholo Guti)!

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Bead 16 online game.


Developer: Business Ludo Dice Game

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