
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Ghanshyam-Hakke-Official.
App provide service for election management.
1. Check all parliament, assembly, villages, and voters
- All parliaments available under app.
- Under parliaments check which assembly assigned with assembly number.
- Check all villages under particular assembly and village booth and booth number, so all
voters can be manages by under booth number.
- Also can view all booth details like booth name, booth number and booth address.
- Also check all voted list, and member can update all voter list, it will make easy to
update voter details using this app.
2. Reports
- View all reports by assembly, booth.
- Check all voter count in report.
- Check all male and female in assembly.
- Check age and gender count in report.
- You can filter and generate all type of report in this app.
3. Social Platform fro all members
- In this app you can post messages, images, video, and it will visible for your members.
4. Add and create new member
- Create new members under assembly and assign task for new user and track work
5. Messaging and Notifications
- You can send messages, whats app messages to voters and share their details.
6. Near by member (Google Map)
- Can check nearby all member on map and contact for help.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Ghanshyam-Hakke-Official.
Developer: Akade
Genre: Social
App version: 1.0
App size: 13M
Recent changes: App provide service for election management.
1. Check all parliament, assembly, villages, and voters
- Check all villages under particular assembly and village booth and booth number, so all
voters can be manages by under booth number.
2. Reports
3. Social Platform fro all members
4. Add and create new member
5. Messaging and Notifications
6. Near by member (Google Map)
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