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Maze Hunter play online

Free play online Maze Hunter APK

Maze Hunter

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Maze Hunter.

The goal of this game is to collect stars which can be found in the mazes. Every maze contains 3 stars.
However, you are not alone in the maze. A predator is trying to catch you before you've obtained all the stars! Every time you move into another room, the enemy moves into a different room as well.

Once you've collected enough stars, you can trade them in for skills which will help you conquer the more difficult mazes.

Use the minimap (bottom right), the skip-turn (top right) and your unlocked skills (top) to your advantage!
- The minimap shows the location of yourself, the enemy and the rooms you've already visited.
- The skip-turn allows you to force the enemy to move while you sit idle.
- Skills can be used by tapping them (if unlocked) and will activate immediately, or will be activated once you move depending on the skill.

This is a free to play game without in-game purchases. The sole goal is to entertain you in your times of dire boredom!

Good luck!


- Increased movement speed in maze
- Updated UI in maze
- Fixed a bug where the remaining stars wasn't updated correctly.



Maze Hunter from UptoPlay.net

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