CNMC Alumni Association - Kolkata in India

CNMC Alumni Association
The official app & game
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During the British Reign several humiliating incidents led to serious thinking among the intelligence of Bengal to establish their Identity. One such example was Michael MadhusudanDutta, the great poet of Bengal who had been refused admission in Presidency General Hospital (presently SSKM Hospital) several times which was then Governed by the East India Company. In the eve of such events, PanditIshwar Chandra Vidyasagar drafted the National Education Policy (GouriyaSarbaVidyayatan). Later, this National Education Policy was reframed by Sri AurobindoGhosh and AcharyaPrafulla Chandra Roy. The reframed policy consisted of two wings: (1) National Medical Institution (JatiyaAyurbigyanParishad) and (2)National Science Institution (JatiyaBigyanParishad).
In 1920, in the December Nagpur Annual Congress Session, Mahatma Gandhi declared the slogan "GolamiHatao" and appealed to boycott all links with the Government in Councils, Courts and Education. This motion was strongly supported by DeshbandhuChittaranjan Das. Gandhiji planned to promote National Education by developing New National Universities based on PanditIshwar Chandra Vidyasagar's original idea of National Council of Education. To implement National Education Gandhiji derived from his visit to Jharia a sum of Rupees 70000/-.This money was entrusted to Dr. Rajendra Prasad that led to the establishment of the "TilakSwaraj Fund".
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Developer: HTSM
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