Transparent Screen Wallpaper

Transparent Screen Wallpaper
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Transparent Screen Wallpaper.
Transparent Screen Combinations Transparent Screen with a carefully Live Wallpaper to create an experience like no other.
It will show your background screen from the back camera and make your device as a Transparent Screen.
This app Transparent Screen is simple to use mirror live wallpaper and Home Screen will act like a Mirror.
Transparent Screen allows you to use your phone as usual, while at the same time you can see the screen as transparent.
Transparent Screen is an excellent and amazing app that will help you to apply Transparent Live Wallpaper to your screen.
Transparent Screen is simple, easy to use and fun with your friends with this amazing app. This app will give you an entire new type of live wallpaper that will surprise your friends.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Transparent Screen Wallpaper.
Developer: Yaksh Software
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