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Diamond Crush Deluxe 3.8 play online

Free play online Diamond Crush Deluxe 3.8  APK

Diamond Crush Deluxe 3.8

The official app & game

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Play this online game named Diamond Crush Deluxe 3.8 .

Diamond Crush Deluxe is the crushing diamond game with amazingpowers and beautiful graphics with four different modes. It's bestin all jewel, diamond, bubble, gem, ruby, candy, fruit, cubeelimination games. Also best in dash, match, crush, rush, blastdiamond games. Match three diamonds of the same colour to clearthem. This is just simple but addictive game which you loves toplay. After playing game you will feel that it is best game everyou have played.Game attracts you with beautiful graphics andlovely animation. You will enjoy game and it's spellbound animationwhile playing with diamonds. Enjoy action by crushing diamonds. Youhave powers to clears levels very quickly. If you wants to playsimple mode then try classic mode. It's so easy mode just crushcertain diamonds in limited time. If you wants some more challengethen goto challenge mode. Where you founds some challenging tasks.You have so limited time to clears more diamonds. You have to playit with good concentration otherwise your game will be over.You cancalled it to funny game, nice game, good game, action game, arcadegame, board game, puzzle game. It's all in one. Once you downloadit, you will loved it.Features of the game: - Amazing environmentof Diamond Crush game - Beautiful Diamond crushing animation - Fourdifferent modes to play with Diamond - Four different powers withexcellent features a) Connectors b) Thunder c) Bomb d) Color Bomb -Share score with your friends via Facebook Amazing PowersConnectors - It will help you to connect either vertical orhorizontal Diamonds of different colour. Bomb - It will clear 25Diamonds of the board with beautiful animation. If you have two ormore bomb nearer to each other then you would have more fun.Thunder - It will crush entire vertical column or horizontal row ofDiamonds in one tap with wonderful thunder animation. Colour bomb -It selects randomly one Diamond and clears all Diamonds of the samecolour. All powers are comes randomly from above, also it willhelps you to complete level very quickly and entertain you bybeautiful animation. Game have following four modes: Classic Tapgroup of 3 or more same colour Diamonds to clear them. Jewels areintroduced on board when certain amount of Diamonds are crushed.You will need to set out the Jewels at the slots to complete thelevel. Clear All You will need to clear the board by crushingcertain amount Diamonds. Bombs are introduced to help you completethe level which would crush 25 Diamonds of the board which aresurrounding it. Timed Complexity will increase as the new Diamondswill get filled from bottom and you would need to make hurry tocomplete the level. If the Diamonds reaches to the top, you aregone. Bombs will help you often to clear out the level. There istime limits to complete the level. You have to crush certain numberof Diamonds in limited time to complete the level. Challenge Thisis almost same as "Classic" mode. You have to crush certain numberof a Diamonds within time limit to move to the next level. Sinceit's name says Challenge, You have to crush Diamonds very speedilyto complete the level in given limited time.Thank You.


Diamond Crush Deluxe 3.8 from UptoPlay.net

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