Background Eraser And Changer

Background Eraser And Changer
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Background Eraser And Changer.
Are you want to change background of photo to a very attractive background , then use Background Eraser & Changer.Background Eraser and Changer help to user make unwanted portion of picture to erase and main portion of picture remain same, You take photo any place also you change your photo behind background easily.
Background Eraser and Changer gives you an option to select the photo from gallery and crop it, then remove the unwanted area apply the cursor to remove background undo/redo while editing the image background select the new background and apply it on your image finally, hen save the changes and share it for fun with friends and family also you can see your creation from my albums and delete it also.
User should able to set size of background and foreground, and also set it with selected position of image, for creating effective photo or picture.
Background Eraser and Changer is an photo editng application but which provides you with best and smooth results. This app helps to remove the background of any picture of yours and maintain clear with just few chnges and see your internal storage.
How to use:-
> Select photo from gallery for Background Eraser & Changer.
> Crop Photos you want to use.
> Erase background with your finger touches.
> Select background image from list of photos or galary.
> Save image in auto background eraser changer folder in sd card.
> Share photo of background eraser and changer to your friends.
> share photo over social media, whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook etc.
> Adjust Fore ground and Backgound easily.
> Set Custom Background from your internal storage too.
> Save your work in My Creation.
Some bugs are fixed.Added new backgrounds.
Background Eraser And Changer from
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