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Naucz się SQL graj online

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Użyj UptoPlay, aby zagrać online w grę Learn SQL.

Przechodzimy do naszej nowej bezpłatnej aplikacji All-in-One! Pobierz tutaj:

Dowiedz się SQL w znacznie ulepszonym środowisku edukacyjnym z większą liczbą lekcji, realnymi możliwościami ćwiczeń i wsparciem społeczności.

Learn and practice SQL right now, with SoloLearns FREE SQL tutorial!

Twórz, uzyskuj dostęp i manipuluj bazami danych. Jednocześnie zbieraj punkty, odblokowuj poziomy i osiągnięcia oraz rywalizuj z innymi uczniami z całego świata!

Whether you want to become the next greatest database designer, or you would simply like to have the ability to query databases from code, SoloLearn will take you through the fundamentals of SQL in a highly interactive, rapid, and effective manner. Learn SQL covers an array of SQL-related topics, such as:

Podstawy baz danych
Kluczowe instrukcje SQL
Pobieranie, aktualizowanie i filtrowanie danych
Funkcje i podzapytania
Tworzenie, aktualizowanie i usuwanie tabel
Łączenie wielu tabel
Tworzenie widoków niestandardowych

Become an expert the easy and FUN way! Continue playing while learning for FREE with SoloLearn!

Baw się dobrze, grając w grę online Learn SQL z UptoPlay.


Deweloper: Sololearn

Gatunek: Edukacja

Wersja aplikacji: 3.7.1

Rozmiar aplikacji: 6.2M

Ostatnie zmiany: * Poprawki błędów i ulepszenia.
* Sprawdź naszą nową bezpłatną aplikację z mnóstwem nowej zawartości:


This app is discontinued. Do not download. An account is needed to get into the app. Once you get in and start a lesson, a layer pops up stating that the app is discontinued, and provides you a link to the new app. No matter what you click, you cannot access the lessons in this app, rendering it useless except as a very annoying redirect.

I completely love this app. I Very helpful easy to understand. I utilize this app frequently to stay current on my skillsets as well as learn new skills. This App is a must have for anyone seriously interested in SQL and programming! I am amazed at the amount of skills sets this app teaches it teaches way more than SQL! Thank you developers!!

This application is incredible as it clearly defines foundational knowledge and builds on itself. It doesn't assume you already know everything about SQL which is great for people who want to increase their value as an employee but don't know where to start. This is a highly sought after skill.

this is a great app. I got it for a refresher so it is a little annoying that they make you go through the lessons in order but that is probably for the better to make sure I don't miss anything.

It doesn't teach you every thing about SQL but if you need to understand a SQL query or now how to view a syntax error it's great."

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