Sioms Football

Sioms Football
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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SIOMS Football is dedicated to coaches and doctors, who take care of professional football teams. It is a perfect tool that covers collecting and analysing football players electronic health record, created together with best sport orthopedic physicians.
Our mission is to get patients better. Struggle for professional athletes well-being inspired us to combine forces of medicine and information technology. Long-term experience in work with sportspeople have taught us how important, for therapeutic and diagnostic process, a complete health record is. More than once, data collected in electronic documentation have led us to most accurate conclusions. EHR, when is strictly updated, allows doctors to have a look at a case at the larger picture, what implies medical efficiency, shorter length of treatment and rehabilitation process and keeps medical costs at a reasonable level.
The awareness of really high importance of this matter made us design a tool, that will meet all the medical expectations, and from the other hand, will simplify the data collecting process. That issues have laid down the foundations of SIOMS Football - system that allows the users to intuitively add multi-faceted medical problems during training, game or in any other situation within 60 seconds.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Sioms Football.
Developer: RSQ-Technologies
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