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Aprezoo Mobile

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Aprezoo Mobile.

Aprezoo is a simple to use mobile app for issuing Aprezoo Green / Red cards to ones peers or colleagues, juniors / managers in a business environment. The app is highly configurable and highly integrated with a scalable back-end system.

It allows companies / business to dynamically define corporate values and associated behaviour(s), rules etc. against which users can issue Aprezoo Green / Red. The app comes with a Dashboard where top / laggard performers can be displayed on the basis of their performance gauged on different parameters including e.g. top 3 performers for the month, previous month etc.

The app can also be used in a school / educational environment to provide quantifiable feedback on the performance of students by their respective teachers.

The complete system (Aprezoo Mobile App & the web interface) is very simple to implement and can be made operational for any business / educational institution of any size in few hours.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Aprezoo Mobile.


Developer: SCMC Private Limited

Genre: Productivity

App version: 1.6

App size: 8.6M

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