VisionLink II Mobile Voice

VisionLink II Mobile Voice
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Vision Link II Mobile App with Optional Voice receives alarm events from the Vision Link II wireless system using Wi-Fi in a building or on a campus. Each type of alarm event can be programmed in the system to display a resident or staff picture, location, or other information and will notify any combination of smart cellular telephones. It will escalate to as many cell phones as desired until canceled at the originating station or personal transmitter. Requires Enterprise grade Wi-Fi in coverage area, SIP server license for Mobile App, and an additional license for Vision Link II if the voice option is desired. Contact Systems Technologies or your authorized dealer for a full list of features and specifications.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game VisionLink II Mobile Voice.
Developer: Systems Technologies
Recent changes: * Bug fixes and performance improvements
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