ws83SuperCar - Clock Widget

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[NOTICE] The widgets included in this app may or may not appear after installing. If they do not immediately appear, please reboot your device. After rebooting, all should be good. Additionally, the Small and Tiny widgets may appear to be the same size on some smaller screen devices.Hi guys, welcome to ws83SuperCar.
ws83SuperCar is a basic analog clock widget that is inspired by the RPM gage of super cars. It does nothing more than display the time in an analog format and open the alarm settings for your device when tapped.
There are four different widget sizes included:
- Large=4x4
- Medium=3x3
- Small=2x2
- Tiny=1x1
Thank you for trying my clock widget :)
v1.0 Initial Release
ws83SuperCar - Clock Widget from
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