
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game wwwToggle.
If you, like me, use the mobile as the access road to the internet, this widget can save you a little click effort.
To turn on or off mobile data and the hotspot at the same time, you have to do several clicks/swipes. This widget saves you some of this. At the same time, it is easier to see the status of internet access: Green, Orange or Red.
You must have the hotspot set up already, the widget does not help you with this.
Reservations: There are currently no Android API to turn the hotspot on or off, or view the status of it, so Reflection has been used. This means that this widget may not necessarily work on your mobile, or continue to work after Android updates.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game wwwToggle.
Developer: Johny Johansen
Genre: Tools
App version: 1.2
App size: 18k
Recent changes: Bug fix: Often stopped working, for example if you changed language.
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