M Champions LCG Statistics

M Champions LCG Statistics
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game M Champions LCG Statistics.
Marv Champions LCG game log. And statistics window of your games played.
Latest Modifications:
-Added Rogue.
-We have begun to develop a save in the cloud. At the moment your application is registered on a server generating a user ID.
- Register your games.
- Check your win rank.
- Observe which aspects you use the most.
- Statistics of your heroes (with character levels).
- Statistics of the scenarios played.
- Statistics of the Encounter Sets you have used.
- Achievements to accomplish as you progress through the game.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game M Champions LCG Statistics.
Developer: Ingamedi
Recent changes: Conexión con Servidor para poder implementar mas tarde guardado en la nube.
Los datos ya se van a empezar a guardar en la nube. Aun no se pueden recuperar.
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