Card Game: Indian Rummy

Card Game: Indian Rummy
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Card Game: Indian Rummy.
Indian rummy free game, popular among rummy players
Rummy is simple to play
1. Rummy's ultimate game is a game between 2 to 5 players.
2. The game uses two standard decks, each deck has 52 cards.
3. Each player will deal with 13 cards.
4. To win the game, you need to arrange the available cards into a valid order or group.
5. You can create a sequence by placing more than 3 running cards. However, these cards should be the same. For example, you can create a sequence similar to 567.
6. You can combine 3 cards with the same face value but different colors into a set. For example, 333
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