
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game LudoPhenix.
LudoPhenix is a popular game played around the world between two to four players. The primary aim of the game is to get your pieces to the center or knock out the opponent's pieces along the way.
Use various Ludo strategies on the board game and ensure that all your piece is the first to make it to the center of the board.
How to play
Each player has 4 pieces in a square board. Meaning 4 pieces for the four players at the table (it can be between two or more persons).
The piece for each player is differentiated in red, blue, yellow, and green colors.
At the start, each player rolls a set of dice to determine who brings out their piece first.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game LudoPhenix.
Developer: tinyrockingGames4you
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