Pigeon Pedigree Pro

Pigeon Pedigree Pro
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Pigeon Pedigree Pro.
How to use it:First, you have to create an account in our app to use it. then you need to login to your account to use our app.
Add PIgeon:
you can add your pigeon by going through this, here you have to enter your single pigeon details (Name, Ring Number, Father's Ring Number, Mother's Ring Number, Details about the pigeon, Gender ). You will see an option "This pigeon is breed by you?" ,if you select yes that means this pigeon is your, if you don't check this that means this pigeon is not your pigeon and won't show in the My pigeons section and it will work as a background pigeon (like father/mother/grandparents/great-grandparents of your pigeon).
Search Pigeon:
you can search your own and also another person pigeon by ring number here.
Here you will find the details about the developer.
My Account:
Here you will find details about your account.
you can log out from this app/device and again login to it.
*Bug fixed*user can use forget password option
*ads relocation
Pigeon Pedigree Pro from UptoPlay.net
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