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Run 2 Vote

The official app & game

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Run2Vote is a Tunisian runners game. Choose your avatar and run on the main avenue of the Capital Tunis or in the desert landscape of the south. Players will go through and collect the most important items that voters need for Tunisia's elections.
Along the endless road to democracy, the game will guide young voters and provide an easy and fun access to information on voting process.
While collecting Tunisian flags and avoiding obstacles, the player has to piece together the different parts of ID cards, ballots, voting booths and ballot boxes in order to benefit from bonuses and special effects and move from one level to another. Players have to surpass 500 Flags in order to benefit from the Joker.
Run2Vote was created by young and creative Tunisians who want to encourage youth to participate in building the new democratic Tunisia.
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Developer: IFES1987

Recent changes: New version

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