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Mobile Information

The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Mobile Information.

Mobile Information is a tool app that provides almost all the information about any android mobile and tablet or Chromecast device.

Mobile Information contains information related to users mobile or device hardware and software information.
User can check his/her device specification with this tiny size application:

The information according to hardware and software are as follows

Device Information:
1. Hardware information: Device Manufacturer, Brand, Model etc
2. Screen Information: Resolution, Density, size etc
3. Others information: Host, User etc

System Information:
1. System Information: Android version, api level, name etc
2. Others information: java VM version, kernel version

Hardware Information:
1. RAM information: RAM usage, total, availability
2. Internal Storage information: usage, total, availability
3. CPU information: core number, speed, scaling etc
4. GPU information: vendor, renderer etc

Network information:
1. Connection information: mobile or wifi
2. WiFi information: Mac address, SSID, BSSID etc

Battery information:
1. Battery information: health, level, status

Feature information:
1. Features information: which features are available or not

Sensors information:
1. Sensors information: number of sensor with their details

App Usage information:
1. Provides app usage statistics according based on time schedule

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Mobile Information.


Developer: AppTech Gallery

Recent changes: Minor issue fix
Android api 31 support

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