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WordPass (with VOICE) play online

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WordPass (with VOICE)

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named WordPass (with VOICE).

WordPass game with voice recognition:

- Text to speech
- voice recognition
- spanish and english (beta) dictionaries.

IN ORDER TO PASS A DEFINITION say "PASS" (If using the english dictionary) or "PASAPALABRA" (if using the spanish dic)

Internet connection is required. Text to speech and Voice Recognition engines can be installed freely from the application.

Ad version to support future add-ons.

- Hall of fame
- Multiplayer


v 1.6.- Se ha añadido un cloud server para evitar caídas en el servidor.

v 1.5.- Se comprueba si se dispone del fichero del idioma (además del motor TTS). A algunos usuarios el programa no les decía nada por dicho motivo.



WordPass (with VOICE) from UptoPlay.net

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