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Medication Calendar play online

Play Medication Calendar APK

Medication Calendar

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Medication Calendar.

The definitive version of the family medication management app!

No need for cumbersome settings!
Simple and easy to use family medication management app.

I want to manage your family's medication information.
I want to prevent family members from forgetting to take their medication.
I want to manage medication schedule with flexible reminders.
I want to keep track of expenses for my family.
I want to attach a lot of pictures for my records.
I want to keep track of my medications and small notes.
I want to start using it for free.
I want to share my family's health condition with the doctor when I visit the hospital for treatment.

Main features of this app

You can register multiple family members.
You can register detailed information about your family members' medications.
You can flexibly set reminders for each family member's medication.
You can check the monthly medication record in a chart.
You can record expense categories, amounts, and notes.
You can check your spending balance on the chart.
You can customize your calendar by adding your favorite icons and background color.
Data backup function.
You can transfer your data even when you change your phone model.
Many images can be attached (e.g. receipts for purchased medicines, photos of symptoms to share with your doctor).
You can use a screen lock to protect your privacy (passcode lock and biometric authentication are supported).

What you can record with this app

About Prescription Drugs

Name of prescription drug
Date of prescription
Name of the hospital
Name of pharmacy and pharmacist
Amount of medical expenses
Allergy history
Side effect history
Medical history

Over-the-Counter Drugs

Name of over-the-counter drug
Date of purchase
Where you purchased it
Pharmacist's name
Expiration date of the over-the-counter drug
Start and end dates of over-the-counter drug
Dosage and administration of the medication
Purchase price

Expenditure management for each family member

Date of expenditure
Expense category and amount

Record of medication taken by family members

Distinction of medication taken
Time when medication was taken

Terms of use, etc.

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Contact Us

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Medication Calendar.


Developer: Knecht App

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