Onion Photo Skin

Onion Photo Skin
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Onion Photo Skin.
This is a tool to display the onion skin when shooting stop motion animation with a digital camera.
It is used in conjunction with an app that is able remote shooting by digital cameras such as DSLR.
This will overlay some photos downloaded from camera,
translucent on live view window of the camera app.
Known as "Onion Skin function".
It automatically updates the overlay when the camera downloads a new photo.
How to Use
Preparing camera and app for remote shooting
1) Connect camera and app via a Wifi, and enable remote shooting with live view.
2) Setup them to be downloaded to the SD card of the Android side automatically every shot.
3) Find out the folder where the photos are downloaded. Such as /sdcard/DICM/Camera.
Preparing this app
1) Specify the above play online folder on [Folder of photos].
2) Adjust the display sizes and margins, and touch [Apply and Start] button, so that the overlay appears.
Note: The unit of the specified value are pixel, but it depends on the terminal vanity of fact.
3) Touch [Back] button to hide this app, and start remote shooting app, and check the overlap of overlay and live view.
Please patiently repeat 2) and 3) to overlap properly.
[Apply and Start] button
It starts the overlay display.
It will automatically updated the overlay displya with latest photos downloaded from camera with [Refresh Interval].
[Stop] button
It stops the overlay display. It also stop update process above.
[Return] button
Hide this app.
Other settings
[How many photos] The numbers of photos to overlay from the latest.
[Blink] Show or hide the overlay display with the [Refresh Interval].
[Opacity of view]The opacity of each photo to display overlay.
[Crop gauge]
If you want to crop the photo later, it can displays the framing gauge.
[Auto delete photo after overlay]
When overlay photo overflows and disappear from the display,
it will be deleted automatically if it is downloaded after start of overlay display.
Use this when you want avoid accumulation of photos in the Android side.
Disclaimer: We do not guarantee for any damage that has occurred with this application.
Note:Our system constitution for operation proof
Camera(DSLR):Nikon D3200 + WU-1a(Wireless Mobile Adapter)
Tablet:Sony Tablet S (Android 4.0.3)
App:WirelessMobileUtility (Nikon Corporation) V1.2.2.3000
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Onion Photo Skin.
Developer: Tatsumi Ogata
Genre: Photography
App version: 1.3.3
App size: 46k
Recent changes: I will fix the bugs if reported.
V1.3.0 Smaller memory usage. Simplified functions.
V1.3.1 Better display quality. Smaller install size.
V1.3.2 Bug Fix.
V1.3.3 Bug Fix.
I assume it does what it says, but read the description carefully: it doesn't seem to use the phone's own cameras but an external wifi camera. Since I don't have that, I can't use it
Uh. Cool i guess if you want to have a random photo at the top of your screen. On the other hand, it doesnt film stop motion.
Works perfectly, if you know what you're doing. The people complaining either don't understand the purpose of the app or can't figure out how to use it (took me all of a minute without instructions so not difficult). UI is a little clunky sure, and some explanation might help the duller folks among us who didn't bother to read the instructions in the app description. But overall does exactly what it's supposed to!
This is great. Tips, if you have rotation problem try taking photos I landscape and portrait, with the phone's auto rotate on and off. Only 4 possible combinations. One should work. To figure out the width/height/top/left parameters, take a screen snapshot with your camera app running, then measure the number of pixels.
Very clever, but it's pretty hard to figure out how to use it. Also, I would like if there's an option choose individual images instead of folders."
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