Biodata Maker-Marriage Biodata

Biodata Maker-Marriage Biodata
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Biodata Maker-Marriage Biodata.
Worried about making biodata for marriage? Stop Worrying now and Download the Marriage Bio Data maker app to Create Marriage biodata in all languages for Wedding and find suitable life partner.
This Marriage Biodata Maker App quickly creates your bio data according to select your optional and mandatory fields and if you want to email your bio data just save your bio data in PDF and email it and able to share the Biodata in Whatsup also.
Biodata Maker app is provide facility to save in PDF or Image format so you can easily print Biodata Maker Create app we have give you sample Girls Biodata Maker and Boys Bio data so you can easily create your Biodata Maker.
This application is mainly used to generate bio data for marriage purpose. With in 2 minutes, user can generate their biodata by filling all the details. This application is also included list and videos of questions which should be asked in first meeting. These questions will help to understand their partners understanding.
Feature Highlights:
- Different profiles for different users
- 3 attractive template for bio data
- many new attractive fonts
- ability to reorder fields
- ability to hide few fields according to your requirements
- You can add custom fields according to your requirements
- Your data will be saved for future use
- Able to save your bio data in two format: image, PDF
- Save your bio data to your device or directly share with others
- Cool UI with material designs
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Biodata Maker-Marriage Biodata.
Developer: Art Soft
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