The official app & game
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ADDA () is a colloquial word for a place where students hang out after their classes and discuss things over some snacks. ECEADDA is a learning place for Engineering students who are in the stream of Electronics and related fields. We are a group of IITians who have been through academia and know where we can add value. Having a notes handy whenever we want to learn is a necessity for a student. We provide very easy to access and understandable contents, which can be listed as below.
1.Subjectwise and Topic-wise notes with theory and examples.
2.Detailed solutions of previous questions asked in competitive exams.
3.Ability to access and read materials offline through our App.
4.Notifications about various exam announcements and job openings for students of eletronics background.
Students can reach out to us at,
[email protected]
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game ECEADDA.
Developer: Piyush Kumar Dongre
Recent changes: This is a beginning of our journey. ECEADDA provides learning materials, handwritten notes, exam notifications, solutions, and everything useful related to the Electronics engineering branch. In future releases we will adding more features to the app. Some of the planned things are:
1. Adding quiz
2. Adding test series
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