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ImaniSoft play online

Play ImaniSoft APK


The official app & game

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This app is designed specifically for data collection, where only registered members of a particular church will be allowed to login and submit data such as number of attendance and contributions. This will enable the main church (Diocese) to have a compiled record of each and every congregation and levels upwards.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game ImaniSoft.


Developer: lite games

Genre: Personalization

App version: 1.0

App size: 1.5M

Recent changes: A simple app that enables specific clergies of a church to post data and their findings. The app is designed to provide a consolidated report for the head offices on what on the ground level and analyse the challenges.


This app is functioning well enabling data collection any analysis.i will recommend every organised church to have it.it will help the head office to collect data easily.'

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