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Апликација Фалцонри игра на мрежи

Play The Falconry App APK

Апликација Фалцонри

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game The Falconry App.

Апликација Фалцонри доноси свеобухватне податке о јастребу на дохват руке додиром екрана. Посебно дизајнирана за једноставно руковање Апликација Фалцонри вам омогућава да тренутно снимите и опозовете податке о свим вашим птицама грабљивицом.

Добијте најбоље од својих јастребова помоћу графикона на екрану, графикона тежине, евиденције хране, хокинга и временских записа и још много тога. Плус посебне понуде за кориснике апликација од произвођача опреме, добављача хране и још много тога:

Чувајте своје фотографије, делите их на друштвеним мрежама и присетите се прошлих летова помоћу слика са географским ознакама и извештавања о локацији.

No more lost records all your data forever in one complete package.

Input your birds current weight and view historical records with this ultimate tool for accurate weight management.

Log feeding times and types of food for your birds include vitamin supplements for up to date reports to help you refine husbandry and management.

A great way to log all your birds successes over hunting seasons. Share and compare performance to refine your hunting strategies.

The Falconry Marketplace your one stop shop for all you need to stay in the loop. See birds for sale, equipment suppliers, upcoming events, job vacancies and much more

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game The Falconry App.


Developer: Alula Solutions Limited

Жанр: Продуктивност

Верзија апликације: 1.3

Величина апликације: 4.4М

Recent changes: Minor bug fixes for pounds and ounces users.


Overall, this is a good app. It's been really helpful for tracking everything. What's irritating is the non-functional weight chart. On the iPhone version, you can pinch and pull it so as to see all the weight information, but not so on Android. It'd be great to be able to use this app in full. Either make the weight chart move by touch or link up each entry to a data point so that you click on a date and that weight appears in the chart.

The non functional weight graph is extremely disappointing because this is the most important part of any falconry log. I have mailed you and had no response. Please tell me how to work it properly (only shows the first entries and most recent is at the left, not the right like any normal graph). I paid for premium and I expect a functional app. Otherwise, very nice. Pleas respond or I will have to cancel my subscription.

Great start of an app. I have great hopes for it as it continues to be developed. Still has lots of little bugs like the food graph only showing the first six entries and ignoring the rest. Great work! Keep it up!

So I don't have a clue what career to pursue, that's just me in a nutshell. But I have always loved birds of prey, holding and handling them and looking up peregrine Falcons and hobbies, my two favourite birds. So I thought, if I do this as, like, not my career but something that would brighten up my life, something awesome to do. So while I think I'll go to art school, when I finish I might get a job and become a falconer at the same time. Good app!

Very helpful and also useful to know about the birds which is interesting for me'

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