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CLOC play online



The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game CLOC.

CLOC is a free educational and entertainment application, programmed according to technical and scientific foundations, concerned with e-learning.
First Algerian Application, based on the idea of learning and entertaining yourself at the same time without the boredom that you are used to
It provides teachers, students and even parents with a safe environment for communication and collaboration.
It offers free lessons in the intermediate and secondary stages.
It will help the pupil to quickly assimilate lessons without effort, by using the QUIZ system and the Challenges among students.
It enables parents to monitor the yield of their children and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Otherwise, a good interactive interface for the application that allows the student to:
Finding lessons the easy way.
Choose the right professor.
The possibility of following lessons for a different number of teachers.
Asking questions when needed and receiving correct answers by voting on the correct answers.
In addition to that, the application is also a social platform that allows the student to post his thoughts, opinions, and concerns through his personal page, as well as comment on publications.
All this makes the student obtain points that place him on the leaderboard, which creates competition among them.
Quality in presentation, content and interest.
Have a try and you will know for yourself.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game CLOC.


Developer: Sarl Flambosoft

Recent changes: Challenge and beat your competitors
Review your lessons and answer questions
Earn the most points
Be on the leaderboard
Download and play now

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