Crop image - crop photo & crop pictures , nocrop

Crop image
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Crop image - crop photo & crop pictures , nocrop.
Crop image function allow you to select image from gallery and crop image , crop photo & crop pictures using this app.
* Crop pictures function
1. Select image from gallery for crop pictures , crop image or crop photo
2. Select crop image options for crop pictures
3. You can select 1) Freestyle crop pictures 2) Dynamic crop image 3) crop image source 4) crop square options for crop photo or crop image
4. You can select resize image to max option for crop photo to max quality
5. You can select JPEG or PNG format for crop photo or crop image
6. You can compress crop pictures quality by selecting quality option
7. Save crop image or crop pictures in your phone storage folder "/Photo Crop"
8. Check all Crop pictures with in your app if you want
- Use the photo crop functionality to remove unwanted portions of the image and choose between the many aspect ratio available to better adjust your photo.
- This photo crop tool is best among google play store photo crop tool.
- Crop the borders of pictures using photo crop app and you can sharpen image.
- Photo crop is a app to help you shrink photo size and reduce image size using photo crop different option.
* Reduce image size function
1. Reduce photo size option helps you quickly reduce image size or shrink photo size.
2. Optimize your images with a perfect balance in reduce photo size and reduce image size.
3. Photo Crop app is also super easy to use as size reducer of photo in kb and Image compressor.
4. Photo corp uses smart compression techniques to reduce photo file size of your photos.
5. You dont have to manually save reduce photo size images, because they are automatically saved in a separate folder titled photo crop' and are accessible via build-in Gallery app.
6. If you want to quickly reduce photo file size,reduce photo file size function is a perfect choice.
7. Shrink photo size and Share your photos in an instant! Pictures of your kids, concerts, and even the one that didn't get away Shrink photo size and share it!
8. Super simple way to make your image size small by using reduce photo size feature.
9. Example: Reduce image size of your 5MB selfie to 500KB with almost no visible loss of quality or convert to 60KB by automatic width height reduction.
10. Want to reduce photo file size to desired percent size of original. Example reduce 5MB JPG to 20% of its size.
11. shrink photo size to whatever KB you need by using size reducer of photo in kb or Image compressor.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Crop image - crop photo & crop pictures , nocrop.
Developer: status zone
Genre: Photography
App version: 1.28
App size: 3.4M
Recent changes: 1) Bug Fix When Image save
2) Some minor changes for easy use
Has a lot of nice cropping functions available to use when you want to edit a photo.
This is a very useful app indeed. Perfect for cropping or resizing any photo.
Guess you were right. Program refuses to give you access to the saved crops. Uninstall, look elsewhere. No good if connot get your cropped pictures!!
I opened a photo to crop it, but found that I could not adjust the grid over it. All I could do was move the photo around a little under it. Obviously I'm doing something wrong—but I'm a technical writer, and can usually figure out how to do these kinds of things. Why is it so difficult? [EDIT:
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