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Sleeping Sunnah play online

Free play online Sleeping Sunnah APK

Sleeping Sunnah

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Sleeping Sunnah.

The wealthiest people are those in whose hearts Allah Ta'âlâ has placed the Quran “Sleeping Sunnah” is offered with intention of providing a comprehensive,single access volume that highlights audio surahas and holy verses for every night. The app provide variety of audio surahas with their written benefits in the light of hadith.This app is very easy to navigate and includes the following:
- Surah Mulk
- Surah Waqiah
- Surah Fussilat
- Four Qul
- Ayat ul Kursi
- Benefits of each surah




Sleeping Sunnah from UptoPlay.net

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