MathBlast - Math Game for Kids

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game MathBlast - Math Game for Kids.
This Math Game is combination of educational Math Games and Arcade space shooter. Free Math games for kids and adults.Learn how to add,subtract,multiply and divide.Experience the adrenaline rush of a arcade space shooting with a twist of solving math equations.
MathBlast game is designed to train kids brain in improving their speed of solving simple Math equations. Learn and practice maths in a fun way.
MathBlast Features :
- Cool Sound effects and Space Shooting Mechanics.
- Game contains a total of 30 Thrilling Missions to complete.
- 13 Different SpaceCrafts to collect.
- Addition Missions : Missions which require adding numbers.
- Subtration Missions : Subtracting Numbers to complete the Mission.
- Multiplication Missions : Small to Large numbers multiplication.
- Division Missions : Train your brain to increase your speed of dividing
- Factors of a Number : Practice problems with factors.
- Multipls of a Number : Sharpen yours skills in Multiples concept.
- Comparisions : Practice comparision between numbers like > , < , = and Not
Equal to.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game MathBlast - Math Game for Kids.
Developer: Ravin Technologies Pvt Ltd
Recent changes: This Math Game is combination of educational Math Games and Arcade space shooter. Free Math games for kids and adults.Learn how to add,subtract,multiply and divide. Experience the adrenaline rush of a arcade space shooting with a twist of solving math equations. MathBlast game is designed to train kids brain in improving their speed of solving simple Math
equations. Learn and practice maths in a fun way.
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