The official app & game
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The UNAC/UHCP app is your union home online. Get a union rep, access continuing education opportunities and get involved in campaigns for your workplace all from your phone or tablet. Download the official mobile application of UNAC/UHCP. Connect with your union and stay on top of major events, learn about rights in the workplace, play online your contract, and more. You can file your objection form while being offline.
UNAC/UHCP membership and registration in our Membership site, MemberLink, is required to access this mobile app. If you do not already have an account on MemberLink, please set up a MemberLink account through the app or by visiting https://memberlink.unacuhcp.org/.
UNAC/UHCP, United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals, is 32,000 registered nurses and health care professionals united for a better workplace and a healthier world.. Weve built this app for our members to stay connected and stay informed 24/7.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game UNAC/UHCP.
Developer: Compuwork
Recent changes: Compatibility for Android 13
Bug fixes
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