
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named WatchingMan.
WATCHING MAN: YOUR BOAT UNDER CONTROLWatching Man is an alert system that reports what is happening in your boat in real time. This app is exclusively for customers who have the Watching Man equipment already installed in their boat.
From the app you can:
·Receive alerts on the state of your boat: door opening alert, detection of intruders, temperature of the engine, detection of water in bilge, etc.
·Check the exact position of your boat.
·Connect and disconnect alerts remotely
·Display the last itinerary of your boat.
If you are a Watching Man customer and you have the equipment already installed in your boat, you just need to play online and install the application. To start using it, you will need a “user” and “password” that you will find on the card that comes with your equipment.
If you are not a Watching Man customer and need more information, you can contact us in our website
·Storage: Required to store temporary data of the boat, such as the latest boat positions.
·Network communication: Required to obtain updated information on the boat and receive alerts.
·System tools: Required to access internal features, such as the vibration mode in alerts and notifications.
Any problems? Suggestions? We’d love to hear your feedback! Contact us at
Minor bug fixes, alerts
WatchingMan from
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