Yoga Full Body Workout

Yoga Full Body Workout
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Yoga Full Body WorkoutThis yoga workout will increase your energy levels, great for morning or anytime you feel fatigue or stressed. Perfect for beginners, this yoga class will stretch your back, lower back, neck, shoulders, hamstrings, and leave you more flexible, and feeling relaxed.
This yoga stretch workout can be done whenever you need to de-stress, increase your flexibility and release tight muscles. This workout combines traditional yoga poses and stretches to help open up the chest and release the lower back. This routine is perfect for stretching it all out after a workout or to relax at the end of a stressful day.
This amazing yoga workout runs through a variety of exercises, some that are static poses that you will hold for varying amounts of time, others that will have you doing a certain number of repetitions. For best results follow the detailed instructions in the tutorial, you’ll be amazed with the results.
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