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SMARTLIB IPDN is one of a digital library platforms by Governance Institute of Home Affairs, a public management and leadership institute under Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. This smart library is a contribution of IPDN Jatinangor Library towards the institute in implementing IPDN's Smart Campus program. Most of SMARTLIB IPDN's collections consist of reading materials in social and political sciences, in order to support learning activities in 3 (three) faculties which are Faculty of Governance Management, Faculty of Governance Politics, Faculty of Public Protection. Library users can find reading materials' subjects which are more focused on the subjects taught in 10 (ten) study programs such as Regional Government Administration Study Program, Human Resource Management Study Program, Public Finance Study Program, Government Information Engineering Technology Study Program, Economic Development and Community Empowerment Study Program, Public Policy Study Program, Applied Indonesian Politics Study Program, Civil Service Police Practive Study Program, Population and Civil Registry Study Program, and Public Security and Safety Management Study Program. Aside from social and political science books, SMARTLIB IPDN also provides reading materials such as fiction books, literature novels, magazines, as well as newspaper subscriptions which can be accessed digitally. The IPDN Library is now closer to its users, connecting the users with reading sources and information needed. Praja/college students are able to obtain thousands of reading materials anytime and anywhere with the digital library in their gadgets. Reading is made easier and learning is getting smarter with SMARTLIB IPDN.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game SMARTLIB IPDN.
Developer: Gramedia Asri Media
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