ABG Analyser

ABG Analyser
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game ABG Analyser.
Migrated to another modified multi-platform app
A very smart and simple ABG analysing tool, helpful for students, nurses, doctors and even paramedics. You can share your results also with your friends, tutors and your supervisors.
Arterial blood gases is an essential investigation to differentiate between types of respiratory system failure and even knowing the cause of the various acid-base disturbance conditions, e.g: respiratory acidosis vs. metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis vs. metabolic alkalosis, mixed and complicated disorders and even knowing the degree of compensation if present.
ABG also helps in differentiating between lung injury vs. ARDS by equations also included in this app. This application can also distinguish between either causes of A-a gradient disturbances from the ABG parameters you will enter, and much more....
# We are glad to announce the launch of the PRO version of this app "ABG Analyser Pro"; a much better, stable, and professional version containing the whole library for ABG, here is the link:
1. Ads Free version.
2. ABG Technique: Arterial blood sample taking technique, contraindications, precautions and the use of Allen's Test, and complications possible; all with pictures and from A-Z.
3. ABG Teacher: a step by step complete library with applicable examples including:
a. ABG Validity and Accuracy checking by equations.
b. Six easy steps for analysing any possible ABG.
c. Knowledge about Base Excess and how it is useful.
d. Advanced Equations and its application with examples: always needed for more precise diagnosis: Anion Gap, Osmolar Gap, Delta ratio, and Advanced Oxygen Equations: Oxygen content, A-a gradient, and PaO2:FiO2 ratio.\\
e. Different Diagnosis for any acid:base disorder: causes of respiratory alkalosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, and metabolic acidosis. Moreover; causes of high and normal anion gap metabolic acidosis. Further more; the possible diagnosis in cases of Osmolar Gap, Delta ratio, and Advanced Oxygen Equations abnormalities.
f. Special Circumstances as ABG can be normal but....
4. Useful links: as we have a continuous updates for your knowledge about ABG.
Enjoy this application and share if you want, put comments and rate for better improvement of the application.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game ABG Analyser.
Genre: Medical
App version:
App size: 2.7M
Recent changes: # Migrated to another modified multiplatform app
I prefer the new design you made, but thanks for the more detailed interpretation in this app.
I have pay for pro mode twice but still its not functioning as pro and still showing like simple one
However, app UI is not fit to screen (I have FWVGA screen), and it becomes worse in newer versions (2.x). Please improve it.
Every 30 seconds my phone is buzzing with notification that the pro version is ready to download. I uninstalled this app within minutes. The only way to make it stop constantly notifying me.
The detailed explanation provided is very nice. This is one of the best free ABG apps available. Good app for learning ABG and correcting mistakes. Design needs improvement.'
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