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Blue Ridge Physical Therapy play online

Free play online Blue Ridge Physical Therapy APK

Blue Ridge Physical Therapy

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Blue Ridge Physical Therapy.

The Blue Ridge Physical Therapy Patient App is used with the In Hand Health Physical Therapy In Hand (PTIH) telehealth web application.
*** Does not function independently. ***

Patients use the Blue Ridge Physical Therapy Patient App as their patient portal to receive instructions, watch exercise videos, track compliance on their workouts, and to securely communicate with their physical therapists.

Please Note: This app is intended for use by a patient under the direct care of his or her physical therapist in the Blue Ridge Physical Therapy Clinic Group. It is not a do-it-yourself exercise or fitness app. You can play online the app but to sign in, you need either a user name and password, or an event code, from your physical therapist.


New: Goals tracking
New: Metronome feature
Enhanced exercise countdown
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes



Blue Ridge Physical Therapy from UptoPlay.net

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