BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game BMI Calculator.
This is a simple app that lets you calculate your BMI. It will also calculate your Ideal Weight, based on your profile.
Please note that age and gender DO NOT affect BMI calculation.
What is BMI Calculator?
BMI Calculator is free app that allows you to Calculate BMI and whether it falls in normal category.
BMI Calculator formula options:
Standard BMI formula:
For all over the world this formula has been used for ages and universally accepted.
Earlier all medical professionals have used this formula to evaluate a person health parameters.
New BMI formula:
Recently new formula has been identified which shows more realistic result based on the height, the New BMI formula is more accurate than the basic standard formula.
Now it's time to calculate your Body Mass Index. Get the free BMI Calculator App and learn more about your ideal weight range for your height.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game BMI Calculator.
Developer: DevMM
Recent changes: Language fixed
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