Bomber Legend: Super Classic Boom Battle 1.3

Bomber Legend: Super Classic Boom Battle 1.3
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Bomber Legend Super Classic Boom Battle is an extremely excitingclassic action strategy game for you created by Alphaway Studio.Develop from the classic bomber game with innovation, this gamepromise to bring you alot of fun and interesting.★ HOW TO PLAY ★+Use joytick control to move the hero+ Place the bomb to defeat themonsters+ Choose good strategy to bombing smart monsters+ Becareful, bombs can also destroy yourself in exploding range.+ Getitems hiden in obstacles+ Collect gold and items to improve yourpower+ Clear the map before time elapse+ Defeat the big bosses infinal battles★ GAME FEATURE ★+ Five bomber zones with a lot ofmystery to discover+ Super heroes with customize fighter skills +Cute pets to support heroes in fighting+ Variety of boom types withspecial boom effects+ Power up items help you stronger in action+Achievement and daily missions★ INTERESTING BOMBER ZONES ★ + Ninjazone: with the support of pet like turtle, your hero warrior withfight with ninja in manga design to win the battle. Be careful withsamurai in the last scene because he is extremely dangerous. Eventhe ninja may have special kungfu, but your bomb can take themall.+ Pirate zone: finding the treasure hiden under the old ship,facing with monster and pirate in the difficult battle. The besttip is using horse in this zone and put your bomb bubble in theright place.+ Zombie zone: there are different kinds of zombie needto kill to clear the map. In the apocalypse city, your hero need todefend the attack of zombie waves. Commander zombie can shoot,soldier ghost zombie can attack and nurse zombie can create poisonunder the shadow. So put your bomb in a smart way to survive.+ IceAge zone: a cute zone with 3 cute monsters: penguins, snowman andreindeer. Enjoy your adventure to cartoon world in snow village.+UFO zone: This zone bring you an adventure to ufo world: meetingthe alien, facing with flying robot and scary z stickman fighters.And last but not least is to defeat the robot boss and bombsquad.★CUTE PETS ★A big set of animals can be your pets: turtle, horse,ostrick, tiger, elephant and dragon. Pets help you to run faster,become stronger. Let's pick up some of them to become your bomberfriends.★ SUPER HEROES ★We have both boy and girl in superheroesfighters collection: Rocky, Laydy Moon, Red Fairy, Tsumugai, SuperHerou, Spaidey, Batmoon, Robinhuc, Mancap, Sonkunkai. They are notheroes in marvel novel but all of them are very cute, very skillfulwho can bring you to the superman advendture.Bomber legend classicis an offline game, online mode is comming soon. It's designed tobe an action fun game for free with hd graphics and vivid soundeffects. With our effort to design an innovation classic bomberlegend game, we expect the player can feel that: the game is funand cute which is suitable to play anytime and anywhere whereverdrive a bike, on the train, the bus, the plan, in a temple, eatingcandy or being in the office. Game is for everybody. All ages underor over 18, kids and children, women and man, adults, workers, golddigger can play. Not play more than 3 hours per day, spend time ofrelaxing, working, exercising, watch football if you want to. Wewill give you frequent update in 2017, 2018 and so on.Get ready toblast the enemy. Bom it! Play it to fulfill your mania. Blow upeverything in the way you run. Gods knows who is the winner infinal fight. You will be a big bomberman with a ton of bomb andpowerful blast in a bomba game.Contact Us:Fanpage:[email protected]
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